Wanna Have Fun

Eva Pau (CAN) - August 2008
Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper : (CD: Wanna Have Fun)

Disco Touches, Shuffle Forward Right & Left
1-4 Step right to right, touch left together, step left to left, touch right together
5&6 Shuffle forward (right, left, right)
7&8 Shuffle forward (left, right, left)

¼ Turn Disco Touches, Shuffle Forward Right & Left
1-2 Step right to right with ¼ turn left, touch left together
3-4 Step left to left with ¼ turn right, touch right together
5&6 Shuffle forward (right, left, right)
7&8 Shuffle forward (left, right, left)

Monterey ¼ Turns
1-2 Touch right to right, step right together with ¼ right
3-4 Touch left to left, step left together
5-6 Touch right to right, step right together with ¼ right
7-8 Touch left to left, step left together

Shuffle Right, Rock Recover, Shuffle Left ¼ Turn, Rock Recover
1&2 Step right to right, step left together, step right to right
3-4 Rock left back, recover on right
5&6 Step left to left, right next to left, step left to left with ¼ right
7-8 Rock right back, recover on left

Heel Taps, Jazz Box
1-2 Touch right heel diagonally forward, step right together & touch left heel diagonally forward
3-4 Touch right heel diagonally forward, hold
5-8 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to right, step left together


TAG: After 1st Wall, Do The 1st Section & The Following 4 Counts, Then Restart
1-4 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, stomp forward right, stomp left next to right