For The First Time

Niels Poulsen (DK) - July 2009
For the First Time - Rod Stewart : (CD: If We Fall in Love Tonight '96)

Intro: 16 counts from first beat (app. 16 seconds into track). Start with weight on R

* 2 RESTARTS: On wall 3 and 6. On both walls do the first 8 counts, then restart from count 1. On wall 3 you restart facing 6:00 and on wall 6 you restart facing 12:00

* 1 EASY TAG: On wall 8, after 24 counts, facing 3:00. Turn and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance (facing 3:00) turning ¼ L to face 12:00 on your first count

NOTE: This dance is dedicated to Guyton Mundy

Extra note: A big THANK YOU to Lennie and Bjarne for telling me about this awesome track!

(1–8) ¼ L, Jazz ¼ R, Walk 1/8 R, Cross Turn Turn, Basic R, Side Step L, Twist ¼ R
1 Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L and sweeping R foot fw (1) [9:00]
2&3& Cross R over L (2), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step R to R side (3), turn 1/8 R walking fw on L (&) [1:30]
4&5 Square up to 3:00 crossing R over L (4), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R a big step to R side (5) [9:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step L to L side (7) [9:00]
8 Twist both heels ¼ L turning body ¼ R (8) (weight R) [12:00]
* RESTARTS here on wall 3 restart facing 3:00 and wall 6 restart facing 9:00

(9–16) ½ L, Cross, Side Rock L, Full Turn Sweep, Cross, Basic R, Back Back Cross, ¼ L
1 Unwind ½ L onto L foot sweeping R foot fw (1) [6:00]
2&3 Cross R over L (2), rock L to L side (&), recover on R turning ¼ R starting to sweep L to L side (3). [9:00]
Option: Do a pirouette full turn instead on count 3 and 4 (A pirouette: full turn on ball of one foot touching the inside of your knee with the non-turning foot)
4&5 Turn ¾ R on R finishing full turn (4), cross L over R (&), step R a big step to R side (5) [6:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step back on L (7) [6:00]
&8& Step back on R (&), cross L over R (8), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) [3:00]

(17–24) ½ L, Walk R L, Step Turn Turn, ¼ L Into Sway L R, ¼ L, ½ L
1 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L (1) [9:00]
2–3 Drag and cross R fw and over L (2), drag and cross L fw and over R (3) [9:00]
4&5 Step fw on R (4), turn ½ L stepping onto L (&), turn ½ L stepping back on R (5) [9:00]
6–7 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side into a sway with upper body (6), recover R into a sway and a slight twist with your upper body to R side (7) [6:00]
8& Turn ¼ L stepping L fw (8), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&) [9:00]
* TAG + RESTART on wall 8 after 24 counts, facing 3:00 and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance turning ¼ L to face 12:00

(25–32) ¼ L, 1/8 L Walk, Step ½ R, Fw L, Full Turn L, 1/8 L Cross Rock & Cross Rock
1 Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (1) - Note: steps 8&1 are a L rolling vine [6:00]
2&3 Turn 1/8 L walking fw on R (2), step fw L (&), turn ½ R stepping fw on R (3) [10:30]
4&5 Step fw on L (4), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fw on L (5) [10:30]
6–7 Sweep R foot 1/8 L into a cross rock with R over L (6), recover weight to L (7) [9:00]
&8& Step R a small step to R side (&), cross rock L over R (8), recover weight to R (&) [9:00]

Start again… and ENJOY!