Everybody DJ

Alan Haywood (UK) - August 2009
Everybody Is A DJ - Goldie Lookin Chain : (CD: Version)

*16 counts intro – start the at the end of the 4th time he says ‘let’s get serious’ on the words ‘headphones on’ (10 seconds in)

Sec 1: R Side Strut, Rock Back L, Recover R, Scuff L, Hitch L, Touch L To Side, Hold
1-2 Touch right toe to right side, drop right heel
3-4 Rock back onto left - behind right, recover weight onto right
5-6 Scuff left diagonally forward left, hitch left (and hop on right – optional)
7-8 Touch left to left side, hold for one count

Sec 2: Hip Bumps LRL, Hold, Rock Back R, Recover L, Touch R To R Side, Hold
1-4 Side hip bumps left right left (weight ends left), hold
5-6 Rock back onto right – behind left, recover weight onto left
7-8 Touch right to right side, hold for one count

Sec 3: Rock Back R, Recover L, Scuff R, ¼ L, Rock Back L, Recover R, Touch L, Hold
1-2 Rock back onto right – behind left, recover weight onto left
3-4 Scuff right forward, making ¼ turn left jump onto right or take large step onto right (9 o’clock)
5-6 Rock back onto left – behind right, recover onto right
7-8 Touch left to left side, hold for one count

Sec 4: Travelling Forward Making ¼ L, Hip Bumps LRL, Hold, RL Touch R Forward, Hold
1-4 Travelling forward making 1/8 left bump hips left right left, hold for one count
5-8 Travelling forward making 1/8 left bump hips right left, touch right forward, hold for one count (6 o’clock)
Arm: push arms up forward and back

Sec 5: R Coaster, Scuff, Hitch R, R Coaster Step, Hold
1-4 Step right back, step left next to right, scuff right forward, hitch right
5-8 Step back onto right, step left next to right, step right forward, hold for one count

Sec 6: L Forward Lockstep, Hold, Triple ¾ L, Hold
1-4 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left, hold for one count
5-8 Make ¾ turn left on the spot stepping right left right side, hold for one count

Sec 7: Rock Back L, Recover R, Touch L Diag Forward, L Next To R, R Over, L Back, Touch R Forward, Hold
1-2 Rock back onto left, recover weight onto right
3-4 Touch left heel diagonally forward, step left next to right
5-6 Cross step right over left, step back onto left
7-8 Touch right diagonally forward, hold for one count

Sec 8: R Coaster Step, Scuff L, L Forward Lockstep, Hold
1-2 Step back onto right, step left next to right
3-4 Step right forward, scuff left forward
5-6 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left
7-8 Step forward onto left, hold for one count

RESTART: During wall 3, dance up to count 32 (travelling hip bump section) then restart facing 12 o’clock.

alan.haywood@yahoo.com / www.alanhaywood.co.uk