Remember MJ

Mae Neihouse (UK) - August 2009
Remember the Time - Michael Jackson

32 count intro

Walk Walk Forward Coaster, Walk Back Back, Back Coaster
1-2 Walk forward R L
3&4 Step RF forward, LF next to RF, step RF back
5-6 Walk backward L R
7&8 Step LF back, RF next to LF, step LF forward

¼ Turn Left, Touch, Shuffle Left-Turn ¼ Left, Rf Step Forward Heels Up, Turn ¼ Left
1 Turn ¼ left , step RF to right
2 Touch LF next to RF
3&4 Step LF to left, step RF next to left, ¼ turn left, LF step forward [6]
5-6 RF step forward next to LF, then raise both heels, stand on toes
7-8 While on toes, turn 1/4 left to face 3:00

Step Kick Coaster Step, Right Sailor, Left Sailor
1-2 Step RF forward, low kick LF forward
3&4 step LF back, step RF back next to LF, LF step forward
5&6 Step RF behind LF, Step LF to left, step RF to right
7&8 Step LF behind RF, step RF to right, step Lf to left

Cross Point, Down Up,Cross Unwind 180, Cross Point
1-2 Cross RF over LF, point LF to left -on 2, right hand touch top of head, left hand extend out to left, look down to left (hand move is optional)
3-4 Dip hips down and up- hands still at position as count 2
5-6 LF cross over RF, unwind 180 over right shoulder, weight on right
7-8 Cross LF over RF, point RF to right

Start Again