
Elfrita Maya (INA) - July 2010
Smile (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast

Intro : start dancing when the vocal is coming

(1-8) Right Left Side Recover Cross Hold
1-4 Step R to R side (1), recover on L (2), cross R over L (3), hold (4)
5-8 Repeat count 1-4 with opposite footworks and direction

(9-16) Forward Pivot ½ L, Forward Hold, Walk Forward L-R-L, Hold
1-4 Step R forward (1), pivot ½ L (2), step R forward (3), hold (4)
5-8 Step L forward (5), step R forward (6), step L forward (7), hold (8)

(17-24) Forward Pivot ½ L Forward Hold, Full Turn R Forward Hold
1-4 Step R forward (1), pivot ½ L (2), step R forward (3), hold (4)
5-8 Turn ½ R stepping back on L (5), turn ½ R stepping R forward (6), step L forward (7), hold (8)

(25-32) Side Recover Cross Behind, Sweep L, Behind Side Cross Hold
1-&3-4 Step R to R side (1), recover on L (2), cross rock R behind L (&), sweep L from front to back in 2 count (3-4)
5-8 Step L behind R (5), step R to R side (6), cross L over R (7), hold (8)

(33-40) Recover Side Cross Hold, Recover Turn ¼ R Side Cross, Hold
1-4 Recover on R (1), step L to L side (2), cross R over L (3), hold (4)
5-8 Recover on on L (5), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (6) [3.00], cross L over R (7), hold (8)

(41-48) Side recover Cross Behind, Sweep L, Behind Turn ¼ R Side, Cross Hold
1-&3-4 Step R to R side (1), recover on L (2), cross rock R behind L (&), sweep L from front to back in 2 count (3-4)
5-8 Step L behind R (5), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (6) [6.00], cross L over R (7), hold (8)

(49-56) Large Step R and Point L, Drag L, Hold, Full Turn L, Point R Hold
1-4 Take large step R to R side and point L toe to L side (1), drag L toe towards R in 2 count (2-3), hold (4)
5-8 Turn ¼ L stepping L forward (5), turn ½ L stepping back on R (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side and point R toe to R side (7), hold (8)

(57-64) Rhumba Box Hold
1-4 Step R to R side (1), step L close to R (2), step R back (3), hold (4)
5-8 Step L to L side (5), step R close to L (6), step L forward (7), hold (8)

Start dancing again

Tag :
After finishing 3rd wall, there is a tag in 8 count, which is similar with count 57-64 (Rhumba Box Hold). Start dancing 4th wall facing 6.00 wall.

Let the music touch your soul and keep smile……