Yes, My Darling Daughter

Brenda Thomason (USA) & Sun City Grand Workshop Dancers - February 2011
Yes, My Darling Daughter - Sandie Shaw : (CD Soundtrack Movie: Because I Said So)

[1 - 8] Charleston Steps
1-2Touch right forward, hold
3-4Step right back, hold
5-6Touch left back, hold
7-8Step left forward, hold

[9-16] Charleston Steps
1-2Touch right forward, hold
3-4Step right back, hold
5-6Touch left back, hold
7-8Step left forward, hold

[17-24] Basic Right, Basic Left
1-4Step right to side, step left together, step right to side, touch left together
5-8Step left to side, step right together, step left to side, touch right together

[25-32] ¼ Pivot Turn with Holds, ¼ Pivot Turn with Holds
1-4Step forward on right, hold, pivot ¼ turn left shift weight to left, hold
5-8Step forward on right, hold, pivot ¼ turn left shift weight to left, hold (6:00)

[33-40] Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left ¼ Turn, Hold
1-4Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left next to right
5-8Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left ¼ turn left, hold

End of Dance - Have fun!

Contact Information: Brenda Thomason, Sun City West, AZ 623-214-9495

Revised - 2nd March 2011.