Holding Heaven

Kirsthen Hansen (DK) - April 2011
Holdin' Heaven - Tracy Byrd

This dance is dedicated to my beloved husband (he knows why )

Section 1: Lockstep, forward x2, ¼ turn left , turn ¼ x 2 right
1&2Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
3&4step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
5&6step forward on right, turn ¼ left cross right over left
7&8turn ¼ on left, turn ¼ on right, cross left over right

Section 2: toe pointx2 heel touch x2 shuffle, step turn step
1&2&point right toe to right side, step right next to left, point left toe to left side, step left next to right
3&4&touch right heel diagonally right, step right next to right, touch left heel diagonally left, step left next to right
5&6step forward on right, step left to right step forward on right
7&8step forward on left, turn ¼ right, cross left over right

Section 3: side rock, behind side cross, side cross behind side ½ turn
1-2rock right to right side, recover on left
3&4cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6rock left to left side, recover on right
7&8cross left behind right, turn ¼ on right, step forward on left

Section 4: paddle ¼ X 3 walk right, left
1-2step forward on right, turn ¼ left ( paddle)
3-4step forward on right, turn ¼ left ( paddle)
5-6step forward on right, turn ¼ left ( paddle)
7-8step forward right, left

Section 5: Charleston step, jazz box ¼ turn
1-2sweep and touch right toe forward, sweep and step back on right
3-4touch left toe back, sweep and step forward on left
5-6cross right over left, step back on left
7-8turn ¼ on right, step left beside right

Tag: Wall 2 after 36 count, after during Charleston step ( instead of the jazz box make a kick ball change) then start the dance from the beginning.

Restart: wall 5 after 8 counts, then start the dance from the beginning

Revised on site - 26th April 2011