Candy Dance

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - June 2009
Too Much Candy for a Dime - Eddy Raven

16 count intro,

Side Touch, Bump Hips x2, Side Touch, Bump Hips x2
1,2,3,4Big step to right on R, Touch L beside R, Bump hips left right
5,6,7,8Big step to left on L, Touch R beside L, Bump hips right, left

4 Count Rocking Chair, Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot 1/4
9,10,11,12Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L, Rock/step back on R, Rock fwd on L
13&14Shuffle fwd R,L,R
15,16Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R

Cross Toe Strut, Kick Ball Cross, Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut
17,18Step L toe across R, Drop L heel to ground
19&20Kick R fwd, Step R beside L, Step L across R (kick ball cross)
21,22Step R toe to right, Drop R heel to ground
23,24Step L toe across R, Drop L heel to ground

Side Rock Replace, 5 Count Weave Left, 1/4 Fwd
25,26Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
27,28,29,30Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L, Step L to left
31,32Step R behind L, Making 1/4 left step fwd on L

Step Pivot 1/4, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd Back, 1/4 Turn Touch
33,34Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
35&36Shuffle fwd R,L,R
37,38Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
39,40Making 1/4 left step left to left side, Touch R beside L

Side Rock Replace, Across Touch, Heel Across Side, Across Touch
41,42Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
43,44Step R fwd and across L, Touch L toe to left side
45,46Touch L heel across R, Touch L heel to left side
47,48Step L across R, Touch R toe to right side

Across Back, Side Touch, 2 Heel Struts Fwd
49,50,51,52Step R across L, Step back on L, Step R to right, Touch L beside R
53,54,55,56Step L heel fwd, Drop L toe to ground, Step R heel fwd, Drop R heel to ground

1/4 Heel Grind, Fwd Back, Back Touch, Kick Ball Cross
57,58Step L heel fwd, Grind heel while pivoting 1/4 left (wt back on right)
59,60,61,62Rock/step back on L, Rock fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Touch R beside L
63&64Kick R fwd, Step R beside L, Step L across R (kick ball cross)

*There is a restart after count 8 on wall 3 (Just repeat first 8 counts)

You can NEVER have too much candy! (-:
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan

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