Today Is Your Day

High Intermediate
Alison Johnstone (AUS) - July 2011
Today Is Your Day - Shania Twain

Start: On Main Vocal “You got what it takes” - Anti Clockwise Rotation.

(1-8) Step Rock Recovers, Step, Pivot ½ Right, Step, Step ½ Rock ¼ (9.00)
1, 2&Step forward Right, Rock Left to side, Recover Right (&)
3, 4&Step forward Left, Rock Right to side, Recover Left (&)
5, 6&Step forward on Right, Step Left forward, ½ Pivot Turn over Right weight on Right (&)
7, 8&Step forward Left, ½ Turn over left stepping back on Right, ¼ Turn over Left rocking Left to side (&)

(9-16) Right Nightclub Step, ¼ Step Left, Full Turn over Left, Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross Side (6.00)
1, 2&Big step Right, Rock Left behind Right, Recover Right (&)
3, 4&¼ Turn over Left stepping forward on Left, ½ Turn over Left stepping back on Right, ½ Turn over Left stepping forward on Left (&) (6.00)
5, 6Rock forward Right, Recover Left
7& 8&Step Right Behind Left, Step Left to Side (&), Cross Right over Left, Step Left to Side (&)

(17-24) Right Nightclub Step, Left Nightclub Step, Walk Diagonal Right, Left, Right, Rock Recover (7.30)
1, 2&Big step Right, Rock Left behind Right, Recover Right (&)
3, 4&Big step Left, Rock Right behind Left, Recover Left (&)
**Restart: On Wall 5 dance up to this point and restart the dance (12.00) (easily heard in music)
5, 6, 7Walking to the Diagonal (7.30) Walk Right, Left. Right
8&Rock forward left, Recover Right (&)

(25-32) Walk Back Left, Right, Sweep Sailor to (3.00) 3/8ths , Sway Right Left, Behind, ¼ Turn, Rock ¼ Side, Recover Left (9.00)
1, 2Walk Back on Left, Right still on the diagonal
3&4Sweep Left and cross behind Right, 3/8th Turn over Left to straighten to 3.00 stepping Right to side (&), Step Left to Side (Sailor Step)
5, 6Sway to Right, Sway to Left
* Restart: On wall 4 dance up to this point and restart the dance (6.00) (easily heard in music)
7& 8&Cross Right behind Left, ¼ Turn over Left Stepping forward Left (&), ¼ Turn over Left rocking Right to side, Recover Left (&)

***Ending: Wall 7 dance to walk forward on the diagonal (Right Left Right) count 23 facing, Cross Left over Right and slowly unwind to front…tada!!!


Restarts: During Wall 4 (*) and Wall 5 (**).

Choreographed for my Singapore Workshops

Contact: - Ph +61 404 445 076

Last Revision on site - 11th August 2011