Early Cha

Ulrika Andersson (SWE) & Carina Edin - January 2011
Duke of Earl - The Boppers

Start to dance on vocals

Music suggestions:
”Puerto Rico”-Vaya Con Dios,
”Blue Night”-Michael Learns To Rock…

R Forward Lock Step, R Forward Step Lock Step, Rock Recover, L Shuffle Back
1-2Step R forward, lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
5-6Rock forward onto L, recover weight back onto R
7&8Step L back, close R next to L, step L back

Rock Recover, 1/4turn L, R Chasse, Rock Recover, L Chasse
1-2Rock back onto R, recover weight forward onto L
3&4Turn 1/4 L, step R to R side, close L next to R, step R to R side
5-6Rock back onto L, recover weight forward onto R
7&8Step L to L side, close R next to L, step L to L side

Rock Recover, Triple Step, Rock Recover, Tripple Step
1-2Rock back onto R, recover weight onto L
3&4Triple step on spot R-L-R
5-6Rock forward onto L, recover weight onto R
7&8Triple step on the spot L-R-L

Cross Rock Recover, R Chasse, Cross Rock Recover, L Chasse
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover onto L
3&4Step R to R side, close L next to R, step R to R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover onto R
7&8Step L to L side, close R next to L, step L to L side

Make your hips move to the beat, dance and have fun!

Ulrika & Carina