Take Me Home

Intermediate (Quickstep)
Jenny Memmel (DE) - October 2011
Mama Take Me Home - Rednex

[1-8] Two Walks, Toe Switches, Toe Touches, Weave
1step RF forward
2step LF forward
3step RF next LF, touch LF to left ..side
&step LF next RF, touch RF to right ..side
4step RF next LF, touch LF to left ..side
5,6touch LF behind RF (twice)
7&8cross LF over RF, step RF to right ..side, step LF behind RF

[9-16] Walks & Locksteps (backward), ¼ turn left, Slide, clap twice
1step RF backward
2step LF backward
3&4step RF backward, cross LF over RF, step RF backward
&5&6step LF backward, step RF backward, cross LF over RF, step RF backward
7&8¼ turn left step LF to left side, slide RF next LF, over counts & (16) clap twice

[17-24] Two Walks, Charleston Steps, Jump & Jack
1step RF forward
2step LF forward
3touch RF forward
4step RF backward
5touch LF backward
6step LF forward
7jump out (RF +LF)
&jump in (RF +LF)
8jump out, step LF forward, step RF backward (weight on LF)

[25-32] Lockstep right ¼ turn left with hitch (twice L+R), Heel Swivels right, Chassee´left
1step RF backward
&cross LF over RF
2step RF backward
&¼ turn left, hitch left knee
3step LF slightly to left side
&¼ turn left, hitch right knee
4step RF slightly to right side
5&6swivel your heels to right side, …….recover to center, bring your weight on RF
7&8step LF to left side, step RF next LF, step LF to left side

Tag - 4 counts (after wall 7)
1With weight on left ball and right heel, swivel left heel and right toe to the left
&Return to center
2Weight to left heel and right ball and swivel left toe and right heel to the right
&Return to center
3With weight on left ball and right heel, swivel left heel and right toe to the left
&Return to center
4Weight to left heel and right ball and swivel left toe and right heel to the right
&Return to center

Have Fun!