Bad Rap

Elisabet Herngren (SWE) - October 2011
Bad Rap - David Brendan Hunt

Intro 16 count (slow counting), start dance on vocal

Section 1: Left coaster step, full turn forward, scissor step, rock step, turn ½ rock step
1&2Step left back, step right together, step left forward
3-4Pivot ½ turn left back on right, pivot ½ turn left forward on left
5&6Right to side, left together, right cross over left
7&8&Rock to left side, recover, turn ½ left rock to left side, recover

Section 2: Side, drag, rock step, side-knee pop x2, back lockstep, rock step
1-2Left to side, drag right towards left
3&4&Rock back on right, recover, right to side, touch left beside with knee popping
5&Left to side, touch right beside with knee popping
6&7-8&Back on right, lock left in front, back on right, rock back on left, recover

Section 3: Full turn, ¼ turn chassé, cross rock step, ¼ turn step forward, lockstep, step back
1&Pivot 1/2 turn right back on left, pivot 1/2 turn right forward on right
2&31/4 turn right with left to side, right together, left to side
4-5-6Cross rock right over left, recover, 1/4 turn right forward on right
&7&8Step forward on left, Lock right foot behind, forward on left, back on right
*** Restart here on wall 3

Section 4: Touch turn ½, step turn ¼, cross shuffle, rock step, back ¼ turn ronde, rock step, side touch
1&2&Touch left back, 1/2 turn left (weight on left), forward on right, turn 1/4 to left
3&4Cross right over left, left to side, cross right over left
5&Rock on left diagonally forward, recover,
6&Back on left, make 1/4 turn to right and ronde right from in front to behind left
7&8&Rock back on right, recover, right to side, touch left beside

Restart after section 3 on wall 3 ***

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