Happy Dance!

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - August 2011
Af en Af - Kurt Darren

16 count intro,

Fwd Back, Step Back Touch, Side Behind, Stomp To R Stomp To L
1,2,3,4Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R, Step back on L, Touch R beside L
5,6,7,8Step R to right, Step L behind R, Stomp R to right, Stomp L to left

4 Count Weave Right, Rock Behind Fwd, Side Touch
9,10,11,12Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L, Step L to left
13,14Rock/step R behind L, Rock/replace wt on L
15,16Step R to right, Touch L beside R

1/4 Rock Replace, 1/4 Turn Touch, Side Together, Back Touch
17,18Making 1/4 left rock/step fwd on L, Rock/replace wt back on R
19,20Making 1/4 left step L to left, Touch R beside L
21,22Step R to right, Step L beside R
23,24Step back on R, Touch L beside R

Diagonal Rock Fwd Replace, Diagonal Rock Back Replace, 2 Skates
25,26Rock L hip fwd towards left diagonal, Rock back on R
27,28Rock L hip fwd towards left diagonal, Rock fwd on R
29,30,31,32Skate fwd on L, Hold, Skate fwd on R, Hold

*There is a restart after count 16 on walls 3,8 and 13

Thanks to Linda Conrad from Cedar Springs, Michigan USA for the song suggestion.

This is such a happy little song that it makes dancing to it a real pleasure.
I can’t understand one word that is said, but the feeling of the song is awesome!
Hope you think so too.

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan