Silver Moments

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - February 2012
Silver Moments - Wieteke van Dort & Ais Lawa Lata

36 count intro, - NO TAGS OR RESTARTS Thanks for the music Ilse
Written by request to this beautiful song by these independent singers from The Netherlands
Sorry to hear that Wieteke has suffered a major health problem recently.
We send our very best wishes to her from the Australian line dancing community.

Fwd Back, Coaster, Fwd Back, 1/2 Shuffle
1,2Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
3&4Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step fwd on L
5,6Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
7&8Making 1/2 right shuffle fwd R,L,R

1/2 Shuffle, Back Fwd, Fwd Touch, Back Touch
9&10Making 1/2 right shuffle back L,R,L
11,12Rock/step back on R, Rock fwd on L
13,14Step fwd on R, Touch L toe to left,
15,16Step back on L, Touch R toe to right

1/4 Rock/Replace, Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot 1/2, Shuffle Fwd
17,18Rock/step R behind L, Making 1/4 right rock fwd on L
19&20Shuffle fwd RLR
21,22Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 right transferring wt to R
23&24Shuffle fwd L,R,L

Step Pivot 1/4, Behind Side Across, Side Slide, Side Slide
25,26Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
27&28Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L
29,30Big step to left on L, Side R to L
31,32Big step to right on R, Slide L to R

Please enjoy this easy dance to this lovely song.
Hope you are also enjoying some ‘Silver Moments’!

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan