One Thing or Two

Patrick Latendresse (CAN) - February 2012
One Thing or Two - Bobby Bazini

Alt. Music: Hey,Good Lookin’ The Mavericks

Intro: 32 count, start on lyrics

Toe struts X2, scissor step, pause
1-2Touch left toes forward, step on left heel
3-4Touch right toes forward, step on right heel
5-6Step left on left side, step right beside left
7-8Cross left over right, pause

Toe struts X2, scissor step, pause
1-2Touch right toes forward, step on right heel
3-4Touch left toes forward, step on left heel
5-6Step right on right side, step left beside right
7-8Cross right over left, pause

Touch toe heel, cross step, point, cross touch X2 backward
1-2Touch left toes beside right foot, touch left heel beside right foot
3-4Cross left over right, point right toes on right side
5-6Cross right behind left, point left toes on left side
7-8Cross left behind right, point right toes on right side

Touch toe heel, cross step, point, cross touch X2 forward
1-2Touch right toes beside left foot, touch right heel beside left foot
3-4Cross right over left, point left toes on left side
5-6Cross left over right, point right toes on right side
7-8Cross right over left, point left toes on left side

Jazz box ¼ left, step forward, touch, step backward, touch
1-2Step left over right, step right backward start turning ¼ left
3-4Step left beside right finishing turning, step right beside left
5-6Step left forward, touch right toes beside left
7-8Step right backward, touch left toes beside right

Step, step lock, scuff, step, touch clap hands, step backward, touch clap hands
1-2Step left forward, lock right behind left
3-4Step left forward, scuff right heel beside left ( knock heel on the floor)
5-6Step right forward, touch left toes beside right with clap hand at the same time
7-8Step backward, touch right toes beside left with clap hands at the same time

Step, step lock, touch, step, touch clap hands, step, touch clap hands, step side, touch clap hands
1-2Step right backward , lock left in front of right
3-4Step right backward, touch left beside right
5-6Step left backward, touch right toes beside left with clap hand at the same time
7-8Step right on right side, touch left toes beside right with clap hands

Cross rock step, pause, cross rock step, pause
1-2Cross left over right, recover weight on right
3-4Step left on left side, pause
5-6Cross right over left, recover weight on left
7-8Step right on right side, pause