In The Wine (Tiny Bubbles)

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - November 2011
Tiny Bubbles (Hau Li'i) - Connie Francis

16 count intro, - NO TAGS OR RESTARTS
Written by request for Rachel Lardy from Domerat, France.

Side Rock/Replace, Stomp RL
1,2Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
3,4Stomp R beside L, Stomp L beside R
5,6,7,8Touch R heel fwd, Step R beside L, Touch L heel fwd, Step L beside R

Rock Fwd Back, Back Touch, Shuffle Back, Rock Back Fwd
9,10,11,12Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L, Step back on R, Touch L beside R
13&14Shuffle back L,R,L
15,16Step back on R, Rock fwd on L

Step Scuff, Step Scuff, Across Back, 1/4 Turn Scuff
17,18Step fwd on R, Scuff L fwd
19,20Step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd
21,22,23,24Step R over L, Step back on L, Making 1/4 right step R to right, Scuff L fwd

Step Lock, Step Scuff, Toe Strut Fwd RL
25,26,27,28Step fwd on L, Lock/step R behind L, Step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd
29,30,31,32Toe strut fwd R,L

This is a very short song, so you might have to do the dance twice! (-:
Rachel loves this song, so here is an easy little dance to go with it.
Hope it pleases you Rachel

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan