You Don't Understand Me

Kenny Teh (MY) - April 2012
Qi Shi Ni Bu Tong Wo De Xin (其實你不懂我的心) - Angus Tung (童安格)

Start dance on vocals:

123Step left fwd, sweep right making ¼ left, hitch right across left ( 9 )
456¼ right turn step right fwd, step left fwd, pivot ½ turn right ( 6 )

123Step left fwd, sweep right making ¼ left, hitch right across left ( 3 )
456¼ right turn step right fwd, step left fwd, pivot ½ turn right ( 12 )

123Step left fwd, step right making ¼ left turn, step left together ( 9 )
45&6Step right fwd, step left fwd, step right beside, step left fwd

123Rock right fwd, recover left, step right back
456Step left back, ½ turn right step right fwd, on ball right make ¼ turn right and touch left beside ( 6 )

123Cross left over right facing right diagonal, recover right, step left to left
456Cross right over left facing left diagonal, recover left, step right to right

123Step left fwd on ball of left make ½ turn right, hold, hold ( 12 )
45&6Step right fwd, ½ right turn step left back, lock right in front left, step left back ( 6 )

123½ turn right step right fwd, hitch left, kick left fwd ( 12 )
456Step left back, step right back, ½ left turn step left fwd ( 6 )

&123Step right beside, step left fwd, recover right, step left beside
&456&right beside, step left fwd, recover right, step left beside, step right beside

2nd wall: Restart after 45 counts
3rd wall: restart after 24 counts

End of 4th and 5th wall, add 6 count tag:
123Step left fwd, step right beside, step left beside
456Step right back, step left beside, step right beside