Sitting on Top of the World

Nadia Friel (AUS) - April 2012
Sitting On Top of the World - Delta Goodrem : (Album: Sitting on Top of the World - Single - iTunes)

Start: 16 counts in.

(1-8) Side, Rock, Together, Side, Rock, Together, Forward, Rock, ¼ Turn, Touch (3:00)
1&2Step Right to side, Replace onto Left, Step Right beside Left
3&4Step Left to side, Replace onto Right, Step Left beside Right
5,6Step R forward, Rock back on L,
7,8Turning ¼ R Step Right to side, Touch Left toe slightly to left side

(9-16) ¾ Turn, ¼ Turn Shuffle to side, Across, Back, Side, Across (3:00)
1,2Turning ¼ Left Step Left forward, Turning ½ Left Step Right back,
3&4Turning ¼ Left Shuffle to Left side steping LRL
5,6**Step Right across Left, Step Left back,
7,8Step Right to side, Step Left across**

(17-24 Side Shuffle, Across, Side, Behind, Side, Across, Pivot ¼ Turn (12:00)
1&2Shuffle to Right side stepping RLR
3,4Step Left across Right, Step Right to side
5&6Step Left behind Right, Step Right to side, Step Left across Right
7,8Step Right to side, Pivot ¼ turn Left changing weight to Left ###

(25-32) Shuffle forward, Full turn, Shuffle forward, Walk, Walk (12:00)
1&2Shuffle forward stepping RLR
3,4Turning ½ Right Step Left back, Turning ½ Right Step R forward
5&6Shuffle forward stepping LRL
7,8Step R forward, Step L forward

(33-40) Touch in front, ball step, Across, Side, ¼ Turn Coaster, Twist, Twist (3:00)
1&2Touch R toe directly in front of Left toe, Step Right to side on ball of foot, Rock onto Left
3,4Step Right across Left, Step Left to side
5&6Turning ¼ Right Step Right back, Step Left beside, Step Right forward
7,8Twist both heels ¼ turn Right, Twist both heels ¼ Turn Left (weight is on Right foot)

(41-48) Touch in front, ball step, Across, Side, Behind, Side, Across, Side, Pivot ¼ Turn (12:00)
1&2Touch L toe directly front of R toe, Step Left to side on ball of foot, Rock onto Right
3,4Step Left across Right, Step Right to side
5&6Step Left behind Right, Step Right to side, Step Left across Right,
7,8Step Right to side, Pivot ¼ Left and change weight to Left

(49-56) Forward, Pivot Turn, Forward, Rock back, Full Turn, Half Turn Shuffle (12:00)
1,2Step Right Forward, Pivot ½ Left,
3,4Step Right Forward, Rock back on Left
5,6Turning1/2 Right Step Right forward, Turning ½ Right Step L back
7&8Turning ½ Right Shuffle stepping RLR

(57-64) Forward, Pivot 1/4, Cross Shuffle, ¾ Turn, Walk Walk (6:00)
1,2Step L forward, Pivot ¼ Right,
3&4Cross Shuffle to Right stepping LRL
5,6Turning ¼ R Step R back, Turning ½ Left Step L forward
7,8Step Right forward, Step Left forward


Restart 1: On Wall 3 Change counts **13 to 16** to the following: ¼ Turn Reggae and restart facing the back.
1,2,3,4Step Right across, Turn ¼ Right Step Left back, Step Right to side, Step Left Forward (6:00)

Restart 2: On Wall 6 restart after count 24 ###

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