The Voice of Soul

Bracken Heidenreich (USA) - May 2012
Soul Man (The Voice Performance) - Blake Shelton & Jermaine Paul : (iTunes USA)

32 count intro

Walk, Walk, Syncopated Rocking Chair, Walk, Walk, Out Out, In Cross
1,2Step Right forward, Step Left forward 12:00
&3&4& Rock Right forward; Recover in place on Left; & Rock Right back; Recover in place on Left
5,6Step Right forward, Step Left forward
&7&8& Step Right out to right side; Step Left out to left side; & Step Right in center; Step Left across right

Side, Cross, Side, Cross, Knee Shakes
1-2Step Right to right side; Step Left across (in front of) right
3-4Step Right to right side; Step Left across (in front of) right
5&6&Step Right to right side, moving right knee to right; &6& Move right knee in-out-in
7&8Move right knee out-in-out
Emphasize the OUT knee movements on the whole counts (5,6,7,8). Add snaps with knee shakes, too!

Vine Left with Half Hitch, Triple Forward, Step, Kick
1,2Step Left to left side; Step Right behind left
3,4Make 1/4 turn left stepping Left forward; Make 1/4 turn left hitching Right knee 6:00
5&6Step Right forward; & Step Left next to right; Step Right forward
7,8Step Left forward; Kick Right forward

Step Touch Triple Step (2X) with Turns
1,2Step Right back; Touch Left next to right making 1/4 turn left 3:00
3&4Step Left to left side; & Step Right next to left; Make 1/4 turn left and step Left forward 12:00
5,6Make 1/4 left and step Right to right side; Make 1/4 turn left and touch Left next to right 6:00
7&8Step Left to left side; & Step Right next to left; Make 1/4 turn left and step Left forward 3:00

Begin Again and Have Fun!!!

This step sheet may be freely copied intact; however, modifications to this step sheet may not be made without the permission of the choreographer.

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