Any Way You Want It

Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - July 2012
Any Way You Want It - Michael Learns to Rock

Intro: 16 count (14 sec)

[1-8] Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Pivot 1/4 Turn R, Full Turn R, 1/2 Turn R
1 2Rock right to right, recover on left.
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left.
5 6Rock left to left, pivot 1/4 turn right.
7&81/2 turn right stepping left back, 1/2 turn right stepping right forward, 1/2 turn right stepping left back(9:00).
Easy option: 7& Step left forward, step right forward.

[9-16] Sailor Step, Skate, Skate, Fwd Shuffle, Fwd, Pivot 1/4 Turn L, Cross
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right.
3 4Skate diagonal forward L, skate diagonal forward R.
5&6Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward.
7&8Step right forward, pivot 1/4 turn left, cross right over left (6:00). .

[17-23] Side, 1/4 Turn R, Recover, 1/4 Turn L Side, 1/4 Turn L, Recover, Prizzy Walk, Fwd, Pivot 1/4 Turn
1 2&Step left to left, 1/4 turn right stepping right back, recover on left.
3 4&1/4 Turn left step right to right, 1/4 turn left stepping left back, recover on right.
5 6Cross walk left forward, cross walk right forward.
7&Step left forward, pivot 1/4 turn right (6:00).

[24-32] Cross Shuffle, Side Shuffle, Sailor Step, Fwd, Recover, Back, Recover
8&1Cross left over right, step right next to left, cross left over right (6:00).
2&3Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right.
4&51/4 Turn left stepping left back (*), step right to right, step left to left.
6 7Step right forward, recover on left.
8&Step right back, recover on left (3:00).

(*) Restart: During wall 4 after count 28 start again (facing 12:00)

Ending: Dance end at the 6:00 wall with sailor step, make 1/2 R to face the front wall.
