Ritmo de la Noche

Francien Sittrop (NL) - July 2012
Bailamos – Semino Rossi

Intro: Start after 16 Counts

[1 – 8] Samba Steps x2 , Lock steps ½ Turn R (around the tree)
1 & 2Step R across L, Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3 & 4Step L across R, Rock R to R side, Recover on L
5&6&Step R Diag fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd , Lock L behind R
7 & 8Step R fwd , Lock L behind R , Step R fwd (Count 5 – 8 Making in Totally ½ Turn R) (06.00)

[9-16] Diag Lock steps fwd x2 , Mambo Step, Coaster step
1 & 2Step L Diag across R, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd (07.00)
3 & 4Step R Diag across L, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd (05.00)
5 & 6Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L back (06.00)
7 & 8Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd

[17-24] Touch L , Drag, Cross Shuffle , Side Rock Recover, Coaster Step
1 – 2Bend R knee and Touch L to L side, Slide L to R
3 & 4Step L across R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
5 – 6Rock R to R side, Recover on L
7 & 8Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd

[25-32] Step fwd Pivot ¾ R , Chasse, Heel & Heel & Touch, Clap hands x2
1 – 2Step L fwd, Pivot ¾ Turn R (03.00)
3 & 4Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
5 & 6Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L, Touch L heel fwd
&7Step L next to R, Touch R heel fwd
&8Clap hands x2

Tag after wall 8:
[1 – 4] Rocking Chair
1 – 4Rock R fwd, Recover on L. Rock R back, Recover on L

Ending: Last Wall ends on the back wall, Step R across L and make ½ Turn L to face the front wall again

Dedicated to my Dance friend Hiltje H.

Website: www.franciensittrop.nl