Fool For You

Daniel Trepat (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - May 2012
Fool for You - Krystl

Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music (app. 20 secs into track)

[1 – 8] Stomp with 4 hip bumps 2x
1Stomp R to R side and bump R hip to R side (1) 12:00
2 – 3 – 4Bump hip to R (2), Bump hip to R (3), Bump hip to R (4) 12:00
5Stomp L to L side and bump L hip to L side (5) 12:00
6 – 7 – 8Bump hip to L (6), Bump hip to L (7), Bump hip to L (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] Sailorstep, sailorstep ¼ turn L, walk R L fwd, military turn L, step fwd
1&2Cross R behind L (1), Step L slightly to L side (&), Recover on R (2) 12:00
3&4Cross L behind R (3), ¼ turn L stepping R slightly to R side (&), Step L forward (4) 9:00
5 – 6Walk R forward (5), Walk L forward (6) 9:00
7&8Step R forward (7), ½ turn L stepping L forward (&), Step R forward (8) 3:00

[17 – 24] Close, step, hold, cross behind, 2x step, heel kick, ¼ turn L, syncopated weave
&1 – 2Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (1), Hold (2) 3:00
&3 – 4Cross L behind R (&), Step R forward (3), Step L forward (4) 3:00
&5 – 6Hitch R turning ¼ turn L (&), Kick with R heel to R side (5), Cross R over L (6) 12:00
7&8Step L to L side (7), Cross R behind L (&), Step L to L side (8) 12:00

[25 – 32] Cross, ¼ turn R stepping back, coasterstep, walk L R fwd, Shuffle L fwd
1 – 2Cross R over L (1), ¼ turn R stepping L back (2) 3:00
3&4Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (4) 3:00
5 – 6Step L forward (5), Step R forward (6) 3:00
7&8Step L forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8) 3:00

[33 – 40] ¼ turn L Step out with syncopated touch steps (2x)
1 – 2¼ turn L Stepping R to R side (1), Hold (2) 12:00
&3&4Touch L next to R (&), Step L slightly diagonally back (3), Touch R next to L (&), Step R slightly diagonally back (4) 12:00
5 – 6Step L to L side (5), Hold (6) 12:00
&7&8Touch R next to L (&), Step R slightly diagonally back (3), Touch L next to R (&), Step L slightly diagonally back (4) 12:00

[41 – 48] Walk R L fwd, ½ turn L stepping sides, cross rock, cross shuffle
1 – 2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 12:00
3 – 4¼ turn L stepping R to R side (3), ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (4) 6:00
5 – 6Cross R over L (5), Recover on L (6), 6:00
&7&8Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (7), Step R slightly to R side (&), Cross L over R (8) 6:00

End of dance & begin again!

Restart: In the 6th wall you will have a restart after 8 counts (again the hip bumps)