Lightening Bolt

Jonathan Williamson (UK) - October 2012
Lightning Bolt - Jake Bugg : (Single)

Intro: Cont 16 from beginning of track (8 seconds)

Jazz Box, Step, Step, Kick, Coaster Step
1-2Cross right over left, step back on left
3-4Step right to right side, step forward left
5-6Step forward right, Kick left forward
7&8Step back left, Step right besides left, Step forward left

Step Lock, Step Lock Step, Walk Walk, Shuffle
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, lock left behind right
3&4Step right forward to right diagonal, lock left behind right, Step right forward to right diagonal
5-6Walk forward left, right
7&8Step forward left, step right besides left, step forward left

Jazz Box ¼ Cross x 2
1-2Cross right over left, step back left
3&4¼ turn right stepping right to right side, cross left over right
5-6Cross right over left, step back left
7&8¼ turn right stepping right to right side, cross left over right

Side Behind, & Heel, & Cross x 2
1&2Step right to right side, step left behind right
&3&4Step on right, dig left heel diagonally forward, step on left, cross right over left
5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7&8Step on left, dig right heel diagonally forward, step on right, cross left over right

Side, Behind, Chasse ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Pivot Turn
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3&4Step right to right side, step left besides right, ¼ turn right stepping forward right
5-6Step forward left, 1/2 turn pivot right
7&8Step forward left, step right besides left, step forward left

Step, Brush, Brush, Brush, Rock, Coaster Step
1-2Step forward right, brush left forward
3-4Brush left across right, brush left forward
5-6Step forward left, recover weight back on right
7&8Step back left, Step right besides left, Step forward left

Restart: After count 24 on wall 2

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Last Revision - 6th January 2013