Couldn't Live Without You

Sue Smyth (UK) - November 2012
I Couldn't Live Without Your Love - Petula Clark : (CD: Downtown)

Intro 32 Counts

Sec 1: Point Right Side, Fwd, Side, Flick, Chasse Right, Rock Back Recover
1-4Point right toe to right side, point right toe fwd, point right toe to right side, flick right behind left,
5&6step right to right side ,close left beside right, step right to right side,
7-8Rock back on left, recover on right.

Sec 2: Point Left Side, Fwd, Side, Chasse Left, Rock Back Recover
1-4Point left toe to left side, point left toe fwd, point left toe to left side, flick left behind right,
5&6Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side,
7-8Rock back on right, recover on left.

Sec 3: Grapevine ¼ Turn Right Brush, Left Shuffle Fwd, Rock Recover
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right,
3-4Step ¼ turn to right on right, brush left foot fwd,
5&6Left shuffle fwd,
7-8Rock fwd on right, recover on left (this is first part of rocking chair)

Sec 4: Rock Back Recover, Step ½ Turn Left, Right Shuffle Fwd, Step Fwd On Left Touch Right
1-2Rock back on right, recover on left (this is second part of rocking chair)
3-4Step fwd on right, ½ turn left, keeping weight on left,
5&6Shuffle fwd R L R
7-8Step fwd on left, touch right beside left.

Tag: Done On End Of Wall 3 Facing 3 0 Clock, And Again On Wall 6 Facing 6 0 Clock.
1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right,
5-8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
