First Diamond Waltz

Trish Davies (AUS) - November 2012
Could I Have This Dance - Anne Murray : (iTunes)

Start on the vocals

Side, Back rock, Return, Side, Back rock, Return.
1,2,3Step side L, Rock R behind L, Return wt onto L
4,5,6Step side R, Rock L behind R, Return wt onto R.

1/4R with basic back, 1/4R with basic to side.
(These steps will travel slightly backwards with this slow music)
1,2,3Turning 1/4R step back onto L, Step R beside L, Step L beside R.
4,5,6Turn 1/4R & step side R, Step L beside R, Step R beside L

Basic waltz to Right Hand corner, 1/4L & basic to LH Corner
1,2,3Facing 1/8R basic waltz fwd L,R,L
4,5,6Turn 1/4L & basic waltz fwd R,L,R

1/4R & basic waltz back from RH corner, 1/4L & basic waltz back from LH corner
1,2,3Turn 1/4R & basic waltz back L,R,L
4,5,6Turn 1/4L & basic waltz back R,L,R.

The last 12 counts should be danced in a diamond pattern on the floor.

[24] Face the new wall and start the dance again.

End of Wall 4 & 8 there is a 3 count tag: Rock side L, Return wt onto R, Touch L beside R.

I used this dance as the first waltz for some first timers and they managed it.
Hope yours do the same.

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