Nona Hitam & Manis

Nenny Bambang (INA) - February 2012
Nona Ambon - Hanny Tuheteru

Section 1 : Rock, Recover, ½ Turn L Shuffle Back, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross
1 2Step R back (make slight/small jump), recover on L
3&4½ turn L step R back, step L together, step R back (6.00)
5 6Step L back, recover on R
7&8Step L back, step R together, step L cross over R

Section 2 : Step R, L Behind, Sweep, Hip Bumps
1 2 3Step R to R side, step L behind R, sweep R from front to back
4 5 6Step R behind L, step L forward (body angle to 7.30), recover on R
7&8Hip bumps L R L

Section 3 : Skate, ¼ Turn R Forward Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
1 2Skate R L
3&4¼ Turn R step forward R, step L together, step forward R (9.00)
5 6Step L to L side, recover on R
7&8Step L cross over R, step R at place, step L cross over R

Section 4 : Step Back, ½ Turn L Forward Shuffle, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Kick Ball Change, ¼ Turn R & Kick
1Step R back
2&3½ turn L step L forward, step R together, step L forward (3.00)
4 5Step R forward and ¼ turn L, recover on L (12.00)
6&7Kick R foot forward, step R beside L, step L at place
8¼ turn R and kick R forward

TAG : at the end of 4th wall facing 12.00 do following 4 count tag :
1 2 3 4Step R forward (body angle facing to 10.30) , hip bumps R L R L

ENDING : on 7th wall after 24 counts : ¼ turn L step R back, step L together …. Then POSE !


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