Come & Dance

Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Butterworth (UK) - April 2013
Come Dance With Me - Michael Bublé : (Album: To Be Loved)

16 Count Intro’

Section 1 – Rumba Box.
1-2Step left to left side, close right beside left.
3-4Step forward on left, hold.
5-6Step right to right side, close left beside right.
7-8Step back on right, hold. (12 o’clock)

Section 2 – Back Rock, Step Forward, Hold, Weave, Toe Touch.
1-2Rock back on left, recover weight forward onto right.
3-4Step forward on left, hold.
5-6Cross right over left, step left to left side.
7-8Cross right behind left, touch left toe to left side. (12 o’clock)

Section 3 – Weave, Toe Touch, Jazz Box With ¼ Turn Right & Toe Touch.
1-2Cross left over right, step right to right side.
3-4Cross left behind right, touch right toe to right side.
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left.
7-8Make a quarter turn right stepping right to right side, touch left toe beside right. (3 o’clock)
Restart: When Dancing Wall 5 Restart Dance here (Facing 3 o’clock)

Section 4 – Modified Reverse Rumba Box With Hip Bumps.
1-2Step left to left side, close right beside left.
3-4Step back on left, hold.
5-6Step right to right side, close left beside right.
7-8Bump hips left, bump hips right. (3 o’clock)

Restart: When Dancing Wall 5, only dance 24 counts of dance and then restart dance facing 3 o’clock.


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