I Knew You Were Trouble

Phrased (Non Country) Novice
Fabien REGOLI (FR) - May 2013
I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift

AAA BB CC AAA CCCCCC B TAG CCC until the end ....

Tag: the vocalization after Part B just before Part C until the end
Four counts: the right point, to support PD, Left edge, to support PG

Part A: 16 counts
[1-8] Rumba box left, Rumba box right, Coaster step, Step ¼ turn cross
1 & 2Step left to left side, Step right next to left, step left forward
3 & 4Step right to right, Step left beside right, step right back
5 & 6Step left back, Step right beside left, step left forward
7 & 8Ste p right forward, 1/4 turn left, step right across left

[9-16] Scissor left, Scissor right, Step ½ turn walk, Full turn touch
1 & 2Step left to left side, Step right next to left, step left forward across right
3 & 4Step right to right, Step left beside right, step right forward across left
5 & 6Step left forward, ½ turn right, Step left forward
7 & 8Step right forward ½ turn left, ½ turn left on left, right button

Part B: 16 counts
[1-8] Basic night club right Turn ¼ turn ¼ cross PG Basic night club Turn ¼ turn ¼ Cross PG
1-2 &Step R to R side, Step left behind right heel, cross right over left
3-4 &Pivot ¼ left, pivot ¼ right support, cross left over right
5-6 &Step R to R side, Step left behind right heel, cross right over left
7-8 &Pivot ¼ left, pivot ¼ right support, cross left over right

[9-16] Point back x2 walk back PG, Walk back PD Coaster step, Step forward ¼ turn cross, Basic night club left
1-2 &Point right back, point right back, step left behind Grand
3-4 & 5Big step right back, step left back, step right beside left, step forward
6 &7No to PD, 1/4 turn left, cross right over left
8 &Step left to left step right beside the left heel

Part C: 8 counts
[1-8] Walk forward right, Walk forward left, Rockstep walk back right, Walk back left, Walk back right, Sailor step ¼ turn
1-2Walk forward right, Step left forward
3 & 4Step forward on Right to return on left, Reverse PD
5-6Walk back on left, Step right back
7 & 8Step left behind by making a ¼ turn left, step right beside left, step forward


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6 bd Jourdan - 13014 Marseille -
E-Mail: thewantedcountrydance@sfr.fr