The Gimmese Boogie

Easy Intermediate
Francien Sittrop (NL) - July 2013
Can't Let Go - Jill King : (Album: Somebody New)

Intro: Start after 48 Counts

[1 – 8] Vine R with Scuff, Vine Left ¼ Turn L , Scuff
1 – 4Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side. Scuff L fwd
5 – 8Step L to L side, Step R behind L, ¼ L Step L fwd, Scuff R fwd (09.00)

[9-16] Rocking Chair, Step fwd , ¼ Turn L, Cross Toe strut
1 – 4Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Rock R back, Recover on L
5 – 6Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L (06.00)
7 – 8Step R across L on toes, Put R heel down (Toe strut)

[17-24] Kicks fwd x2, Toe strut back, Rock back, Recover, Step fwd, Together
1 – 2Kick L fwd x2
3 – 4Step L back on toes, Put L heel down (Toestrut)
5 – 6Rock R back, Recover on L
7 – 8Step R fwd, Step L next to R

[25-32] Heel Toe swivels , Clap x2
1 - 4Swivel Both heels L, Both toes L, both Heels L, Clap Hands
5 – 8Swivel Both Heels R, Both Toes R, Both Heels R, Clap Hands (Weight ends on L)

[33-40] Toe Struts fwd x2, Step fwd, ½ Turn L, Step fwd, Hold
1 – 2Step R fwd, Put R heels down
3 – 4Step L fwd, Put L heels down
5 – 8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L , Step R fwd, Hold (12.00)

[41-48] Triple Turn R, Hold, Rocking Chair
1 – 4½ turn R step L back, ½ Turn R step R fwd, Step L fwd, Hold or Scuff
5 – 8Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Rock R back, Recover on L

[49-56] Jazzbox with Toe struts ¼ Turn R
1 – 8Step R across L ,Put R heels down , Step L back, Put L heels down , ¼ turn R step R to R side, Put R heel down, Zet hak neer, Step L fwd, Put L heel down (03.00)

[57-64] Both Heels fwd, Step back, R Toe swivels
1 – 2Step on R heels fwd, Step L Heel next to R
3 – 4Step R back, Step L next to R
5 – 8Swivel R toes R,L,R,L (Weight ends on L)

Start again

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