Thrill To Dance

Ultra Beginner
Barbara Lowe (UK) - December 2013
Thriller - Michael Jackson

Also: /Thriller / Heads will Roll - Glee Cast cd: Season 2

Start on singing on both tracks

The zombie walk walk forward ,walk back
1-2Walk forward Right Left (Walk stiff)
3-4Walk forward Right Left
5-6Walk back Right Left
7-8Walk back Right Left

Hip bumps and claps
9-10Step Right to Right side ,Bump hip twice to Right
11-12Step Right to Right side, close Left next to Right clap hands above your head
13-14Step Left foot to Left side, Bump hips twice to Left
15-16Step Left to Left side, close Right next to Left, clap hands above your head

Knee bend, walk, 1/2 turn paddle left
17-18Walk forward, Right Left hands on knees
19-20Turn your head to look over your left shoulder then face centre
21-22Walk forward Right, Left - hands on knees
23-241/2 turn pivoting on the ball of Left turning left 1/4 left 12oclock 9oclock weight end on left

Start again

Note for the more experienced dancers:-
On the hip bumps in Sec2 hands with palms facing down swing both hands to the right for 2 counts on right hip bump and then left on left hip bump.
