Gently Does It Pat

Beginner / Improver
Mathew Sinyard (UK) - December 2013
Go Gentle - Robbie Williams : (Album: Swings Both Ways - iTunes)

(Dedicated to Pat M)

Choroeographed - Along with the help of Jill D, Ruth P & Reg G (thank You).

Intro - 32 counts

Section 1: Right Grapevine Touch, Side Touch, ¼ Touch.
1-4Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, touch left toe beside right foot.
5-8Step left foot to left side, touch right toe beside left foot, step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn to the left, touch left toe beside right foot.

Section 2: Step Lock Step Brush, Jazz Box ¼ Cross.
1-4Step forward on to left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward on to left foot, brush right foot forward.
5-8Cross right foot over left foot, step back onto left foot, step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn to the right, cross left foot over right foot.

Section 3: Back, Side, Cross side Cross, Sweep, Cross Back (1st 1/2 Jazz Box).
1-2Step back on right foot, step left foot to left side.
3-5Cross right foot in front of left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left foot.
6-8Sweep left foot around, step left foot across right foot, step back on to right foot

Section 4: Side Forward (2nd ½ Jazz Box), Swivels (Making a ½ Turn), Kick, Back, Touch.
1-2Step left foot to left side, step forward on to right foot.
3-5Swivel Feet (right, left, right) Making a ½ turn left.
6-8Kick left foot forward, step back on to left foot, touch right toe beside left foot.

*No Tags, No Restarts!!! Enjoy!

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