We Gonna Rock

Easy Intermediate
Kenny Teh (MY) - January 2014
Rock and Roll Remix by the Eastern Band

Start the dance after 48 counts:

1 2 3 4Touch right toe in front, drop right heel, touch left toe in front, drop left heel
5 6 7 8Step right to right, step left beside, step right to right, touch left beside

1 2 3 4Turn ¼ right step left back, hitch right, step right back, hitch left (3.00)
5 6 7 8Step back left, right, left, right

1 2 3 4Step left to left, recover right, cross left over right, hold
5 6 7 8Step right to right, recover left, cross right over left, hold

1 2 3 4Turn ¼ right step left back, lock right over left, step left back, hold (6.00)
5 6 7 8Turn ¼ right step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, hold (9.00)

1 2 3 4Touch left toe to left, hold, touch left toe beside, hold
5 6 7 8Touch left toe to left, touch left toe beside, touch left toe to left, touch right toe beside

1 2 3 4Turn ½ left step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, hold (3.00)
5 6 7 8Run forward right, left, right, left

Repeat - No Tag, No Restart

Contact: kennyteho@yahoo.com