
Audrey Watson (SCO) - March 2014
Answerphone - Nicholas McDonald

Intro: 8 Counts

Section One: Step, Swivel ½ Turn, Swivel ¼ Turn, Back Mambo, Step, Shuffle Fwd.
1-2Step fwd on right, on the balls of both feet swivel ½ left.
3On the balls of both feet Swivel ¼ right weight remains on the left foot)
4&5Rock back on right, recover fwd on left, step fwd on right.
6Step fwd on left.
7&8Shuffle fwd on right, left, right.

Section Two: ¼ Touch, ¼ Touch, ¼ Touch, Kick Ball Step, Swivel ¼ turn, Coaster Step.
&1On ball of right turn ¼ right, point left toe to left side.
&2On ball of right turn ¼ right, point left toe to left side.
&3On ball of right turn ¼ right, point left toe to left side.
4&5Kick left foot fwd, step down on ball of left, step fwd on right.
6Swivel ¼ left (weight remains on Left)
7&8Step back on right, step left next right, step fwd on right.

Section Three: Fwd ½ Turn, ½ Turn Shuffle, Step, Anchor Step, Step.
1-2Step fwd on left, turn ½ left stepping back on right.
3&4Turning ½ left shuffle fwd on left, right, left.
5Step fwd on right.
6&7Step left behind right, transfer weight to right, transfer weight to left.
8Step right to right side.

Section Four: Left Sailor Step, Right Sailor Step, Behind Unwind, Step Pivot ½ Turn.
1&2Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side.
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side.
5-6Touch left toe back, Unwind ½ turn left.
7-8Step fwd on right, pivot ½ turn left.

Tag to be added at the end of Walls 2. 4. 8.
Right Rocking Chair, 2 ½ Turn Pivots
1-2Rock fwd on right, recover back on left
3-4Rock back on right, recover fwd on left.
5-6Step fwd on right, pivot ½ turn left.
7-8Step fwd on right, pivot ½ turn left.