Everything At Once

Phrased Improver
Janice Chin (MY) - May 2014
Everything at Once - Lenka

Sequence : A B AA B TAG AA B
Dance starts after 16 counts (2x8’s) at lyrics...

PART A (4x8)
Section A1 : Toe Struts, Heel Touches
1234Touch R toe forward, Step RF in place, Touch L toe forward, Step LF in place
5678Touch R heel forward, Step RF in place, Touch L heel forward, Step LF in place (12:00)

Section A2 : R Cross Shuffle, Lift LF, L Cross Shuffle, Touch RF
1234Cross RF over LF, Step LF behind RF, Cross RF over LF, Lift LF out to left
5678Cross LF over RF, Step RF behind LF, Cross LF over RF, Lift RF out to right (12:00)

Section A3 : Star Steps – Full Turn
12Turn ¼ L with weight on LF & Touch RF to side (1), Hitch RF (2) (9:00)
34Repeat Steps 1-2 (6:00)
56Repeat Steps 1-2 (9:00)
78Turn ¼ L with weight on RF & Touch RF to side, Hold (12:00)

Section A4 : Jazz Box
12Cross RF over LF, Hold
34Step LF back, Hold
56Step RF to side, Hold
78Step LF beside RF, Hold (12:00)

PART B (7x8)
Section B1 :
1234Hitch right knee, Step RF down, Hitch left knee, Turn ¼ L with weight on RF (9:00)
5678Step LF forward, Step RF together, Slap L hip with L hand, Slap R hip with R hand

Section B2
1234Step RF to side, Hold, Step LF together, Hold
5678Repeat Steps 1-4 (9:00)

Section B3 & B4
Repeat Section B1 & B2 (6:00)

Section B5 & B6
Repeat Section B1 & B2 (3:00)

Section B7
12Step RF forward, Turn ¼ R & Step LF together (6:00)
3456Hand Movement : Lift both hands above head (3), Lower hands to side until shoulder level
78Move R hand in front of face, Move L hand in front of face

TAG (4x8)
Section 1 : Out Out In In – 2x
1234Step RF diagonally forward, Step LF to side, Step RF back, Step LF together
5678Repeat Steps 1-4 (12:00)

Section T2 : Rolling Vine to Right then Left
1234Turn ¼ R & Step RF forward, Turn ½ R & Step LF back, Step ¼ R & Step RF to side, Touch LF to side
5678Turn ¼ L & Step LF forward, Turn ½ L & Step RF back, Step ¼ L & Step LF to side, Touch RF beside LF (12:00)

Section T3 : Monterey ¼ Turn
12Touch RF to side, Turn ¼ R with weight on LF & Step RF together (3:00)
34Touch LF to side, Step LF together
56Repeat Steps 1-2 (6:00)
78Repeat Steps 3-4

Section T4 : Walk, Walk, Step, ½ Turn & Kick, Walk, Walk, Step , Touch
1234Step RF forward, Step LF forward, Step RF forward, Turn 1/2L weight on RF & Kick LF forward
5678Step LF forward, Step RF forward, Step LF forward, Touch RF beside LF (12:00)

ENDING – Last 8 counts (Section B7)
Turn left facing 12:00 instead of turn right

Contact: nickytty@gmail.com