Now & After

Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - September 2015
Now and Ever After - Dublin Fair

Intro: 16 counts (into heavy beat)

Section 1: Brush. Hitch. Cross. Modified Heel Split. Back Rock. Kick Ball Change.
1-2Brush right forward. Hitch right knee up.
3&4Cross right over left. With Weight on balls of feet swivel right heel to the right and left heel to the left. Swivel both heels back to centre.
5-6Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
7&8Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step left in place.

Section 2: Step 1/2 Turn left. Kick Ball Step. Heel Switches. Heel grind 1/4 Turn right.
1-2Step forward on right. Turn 1/2 left.
3&4Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step Forward on left.
5&6&Put right heel forward. Step right beside left. Put left heel forward. Step left beside right.
7-8With weight on right heel fan toe from left to right turning 1/4 right. Take weight on left foot.

Section 3: Right Sailor Step. Left Sailor Step. Toe. Unwind 3/4 right. Step forward. Hold & Clap Twice.
1&2Step right foot behind left foot. Step left to left side. Step right foot in place.
3&4Step left foot behind right foot. Step right to right side. Step left foot in place.
5-6Put right toe back. Unwind 3/4 right.
7&8Step forward on left. Hold and Clap your hands twice.

Section 4: Right Chasse .Back Rock. Left Chasse. Back Rock.
1&2Step right to right. Close left beside right. Step right to right.
3-4Rock back on left. Recover onto right.
5&6Step left to left. Close right beside left. Step left to left.
7-8Rock back on right. Recover onto left.