Coral Love

Low Intermediate
Kenny Teh (MY) - October 2015
Coral Love by Xie Cai

Start dance on vocals after (16 counts)

1 2 3 4Big step RF to right, drag LF to RF, step LF beside RF, step RF beside LF
5 6 7 8Step LF forward, sweep RF back to front, cross RF over LF, step LF to left

1 2 3 4½ right turn step RF to right (6.00), touch LF beside RF, step LF forward, ½ left turn step RF back (12.00)
5 6Step LF back, touch RF beside LF
7&8&Make a ½ right turn (6.00) while stepping RF forward, lock LF behind, step RF forward, lock LF behind

1 2 3 4Step RF forward, hold, step LF forward, recover RF,
5 6 7 8Step LF back, hitch RF while making ½ right turn (12.00), step RF forward, hitch LF while making ½ right turn (6.00)

1 2 3 4Step LF down swaying LRLR/or make two anti-clockwise circles with the hips
5 6Step LF forward, sweep RF from back to front while making ¼ left turn (9.00)
7&8&Step RF right, step LF beside, step RF right, step LF beside


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