Begin the Beguine

Kenny Teh (MY) - March 2016
Begin the Beguine by Tony Evans Dancebeat

Start dance after 32 counts:

1 2 3 4Walk forward LRL, hold
5 6 7 8Rock right forward, recover left, ½ turn right (6.00) step right forward, sweep left back to front

1 2 3 4Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right front to back
5 6 7 8Cross right behind left, left to left, cross right over left, sweep left back to front

1 2 3 4½ turn right (12.00) step back LRL, hold
5 6 7 8Rock right forward, recover left, rock right forward, hold
Restart: 5th Wall Restart here

1 2 3 4Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right front to back
5 6 7 8Cross right behind left, left to left, cross right over left, sweep left back to front

1 2 3 4¼ right turn (9.00) cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right, sweep right back to front
5 6 7 8Cross right over left, ¼ right turn (12.00) step left back, ¼ right turn (3.00) step right to right, hold

1 2 3 4Cross left over right, touch right to right, cross right over left, touch left to left
5 6 7 8Step left forward, pivot ½ right (9.00), ½ right turn (3.00) step left back, hold

1 2 3 4Facing diagonally left step right back, cross left over right, facing diagonally left step right back, hold/kick left
5 6 7 8Facing diagonally right step left back, cross right over left, facing diagonally right step left back, hold/kick right

1 2 3 4Step right forward, ½ right turn (9.00) step left back, ½ right turn (3.00) step right forward, step left forward
5 6 7 8Pivot ½ right (9.00) step right forward, step left forward, ¼ left turn (6.00 ) big step right, drag left to right