Midlers Way

Absolute Beginner
Adrian Churm (UK) - March 2016
Tell Him - Bette Midler : (Album: It's The Girls)

No Tags or Restarts

Sec 1 Rumba box making 1/8th turn left.
1 - 4Step left foot to the side, close next to left, step left foot forward, hold.
5 - 8Step right foot to the side, close left next to right, making an 1/8th turn left step right foot back, hold.

Sec 2 Side, together, forward, hold, (making 1/8th turn left.) Charleston, hold.
1 - 4Step left foot to the side, close right next to left, making an 1/8 turn left step left foot forward, hold.
5 - 8Swing right foot around to touch forward, hold, swing right foot around to step back, hold.

Sec 3 Mambo back, hold, shuffle forward, hold.
1 - 4Rock left foot back, recover forward onto right, step left foot forward, hold.
5 - 8Shuffle forward R,L,R, hold

Sec 4 1/2 turn right, step left forward, 3 quick runs forward, hold.
1 - 4Step left foot forward, make a 1/2 turn right (weight ends forward on right) step left foot forward, hold.
5 - 8Run forward ,R,L,R (small steps) hold.

Happy Dancing

Contact Email: danceade@hotmail.co.uk