Special Little Something

High Improver Cha Cha
John Sandham (ES) & Krys Myerscough (ES) - April 2016
Shangri La - LMNT

Based on our dance Shangri-La (adapted to fit the great song from LMNT)

TAG: 8 count Tag on wall 2 - followed by a Restart

Sec 1: Cross Rock Rec side 2 3 Cross rock Recover Side 2 3
1-2Cross Rock Right over Left.. Recover weight on to left foot.
3&4Cha Cha Right side on Right-left-Right.
567&8repeat above 4 counts starting with left Foot.

Sec 2: Step ½ Pivot shuffle Forward Step ½ Pivot Shuffle Forward
1-2Step Forward on Right foot. Pivot ½ turn to Left on both Feet.
3&4Shuffle forward on Right-Left-Right.
567&8Repeat above 4 counts Starting with Left Foot.

Sec 3: Right Side Behind ¼ RT 2 3 ¼ ½ Side Behind
1-2Step Right to Side. Cross Left Behind Right.
3&4Make a ¼ turn to to Right on Right-Left-Right.
5678Step ¼ on Lt. Step a ½ on Rt. Step side on Lt. Cross Right Behind.
(This is Half of a Figure 8 turn & completes a full turn Right)

Sec 4: Turn Left-2-3 Pivot !/4 Pivot ¼ Pivot ¼
1&2make a ¼ turn to Left on Left-Right-Left.
345678step forward on Right.Pivot ¼ Left.. Repeat Twice More.

Tag on wall 2 facing 6 oclock followed by a Restart from sec 1.
1-2Cross Rock Right Foot over Left. Recover back on Left.
3-4Rock Back on Right Foot.Recover forward on Left Foot.
5678Repeat above 4 Counts……Then Start over From Sec 1.

Sec 5: Cross Rock Recover cha cha cha Cross Rock Sway
1-2Cross Rock .Right foot over .left. Recover on Left.
3&4Cha Cha to Right Side on Right-Left-Right.
5-6Cross Rock Left over Right Foot. Recover on Right.
7-8Rock Left foot to side.Rock Right foot to side ( sway)

Sec 6: Cross Rock Recover Sway Cross Rock Recover Side 2 3
1-2cross rock Left foot over Rightt. recover on right.
3-4Rock left foot to Side. Rock Right foot to the Side ( Sway )
5-6Cross rock Left foot over Right. Recover on right foot.
7&8Cha Cha to Left Side on Left-Right-Left.

Sec 7: Rock Rec ½ turn triple ½ turn Triple Rock Rec
1-2Rock Forward on Right Foot. Recover on Left.
3&4Triple step ½ back on Right-Left-Right
5&6Triple Step ½ Back on Left-Right-Left.
7-8Rock Back on Right Foot. Recover forward on Left.

Sec 8: Shuffle Shuffle ¼ Pivot ¼ Pivot.
1&2Shuffle Forward on Right-Left-Right.
3&4Shuffle Forward on Left-Right-Left
5678Step Forward on Right. Pivot ¼ Left . Twice.

Start over from sec 1.

Contact John Sandham: sandham454@btinternet.com - Tel 604131424
Facebook Site Costa Blanca Line Dance.