Cake by the Ocean Low Cal

Mitzi Day (USA) - July 2016
Cake by the Ocean - DNCE : (clean version on Amazon)

#16 count intro to start on lyrics

[1-8] Walk forward right, left. Right forward mambo step. Walk back left,right . Left back mambo step.
1-2Walk forward right. Walk forward left.
3&4With right foot rock forward and recover on left . Step on right foot beside left.
5-6Walk back left,right.
7&8Rock left foot back and recover on right. Step on left foot beside right.(12:00)

[9-16] Right side rock ,recover. Syncopated vine to left. Left side rock,reccover. Revised Syncopated vine to right.
1-2Rock right to right side and recover on left.
3&4Step right behind left. Step left to left side. Step right across left.
5-6Rock left to left side and recover on right.
7&8Step left benind right. Step right to right side. Step left forward(12:00)

[17-24] Step forward on right.(12:00).Gallop full circle over left.L-R-L-R-L.(12:00)Step forward right then left. Right out L out R in L in.(12:00)
1Step forward on right. Haha yes this deserves a count all by itself because get ready! Now look to your left because you are gallop turning a full turn to left and your body follows where you look.
2&3&4A full left tight circle turn step on left-right-left-right-left.Make it bouncy for fun and flow.(12:00)
5-6Step forward right then left.(12:00)
&7&8Step down out to right side on right(&) Step out to left side on left(7) Step right in to middle(&) Step left beside right(8)

[25-32] 1/4 turning right jazz box n step.Right foot step forward. Pivot 1/2 over left. Right foot step forward. Pivot 1/2 over left.
1-2-3-4Cross right over left. Step back on left. Turn 1/4 to right wall forward stepping on right foot (3:00) and step together on left foot.
5-6-7-8Step right foot forward (3:00) . Turn body 1/2 over left putting weight on left foot.(9:00) Step forward on right foot.(9:00). Turn body 1/2 over left putting weight on left foot (3:00)

There are 2 Tags:
The first Tag is end of wall 4 facing 12:00. Step right diagonal.Step left to touch beside right foot.Step left diagonal forward.Step right foot to touch beside left.Step right back diagonal. Step left to touch beside right foot. Step left diagonal. Start dance at 12:00.
The second Tag is after wall 9 facing 9:00. Step right touch left.(1-2) Step left touch right foot.(3-4) Step right touch left.(5-6) Step left touch right foot.(7-8) Step Rock right forward recover left then right back and recover left.(1-2-3-4) Rock right forward recover left(5-6) then side rock right and push off turning 1/4 left with a flick to face 12:00 (7-8) and start dance again.

Happy Dancing
