
Improver / Intermediate
Enric Nonell (ES) - November 2016
Trip Around the Sun - Kenny Chesney : (Album: Cosmic Hallelujah - 2:54)

Note: In loving memory of Robert Wanstreet

[1-8] Rock step, ½ turn triple step, rock step, ¼ turn triple step
1,2Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3&4¼ turn right and step RF to right, step LF together, ¼ turn right and step RF forward
5,6Rock LF forward, recover on RF
7&8¼ turn left and step LF to left, step RF together, step LF to left

[9-16] Jazz box, heel switches, stomp, clap
1,2Cross RF over LF, step LF backward
3,4Step RF to right, step LF forward
5&6Touch right heel forward, step RF together, touch left heel forward
&7Step LF together, stomp RF forward
*Add the little Tag and Restart here on the 3rd repetition

[17-24] ½ pivot turn, ½ turn triple step, triple step backward, and heel and touch and
1,2Step LF forward, ½ turn right and step on RF
3&4¼ turn right and step LF to left, step RF together, ¼ turn right and step LF backward
5&6Step RF backward, step LF together, step RF backward
&7&8Step LF backward, touch right heel forward, step RF in place, touch left toe behind RF

[25-32] Rock step, triple step forward x2, full turn left
&1,2Step LF backward, rock RF backward, recover on LF
3&4Step RF forward, step LF together, step RF forward
5&6Step LF forward, step RF together, step LF forward (prep turn)
7,8½ turn left and step RF backward, ½ turn left and step LF forward

Start again

Add the following easy Tag after 16th count of the 3rd repetition and then Restart the dance:
1,2Rock LF forward, recover on RF
3&4Step LF backward, step RF together, step LF forward

Contact: ae@linedancepro.com