I Changed Completely

Nancy Lee (MY) - May 2017
Completely - Caro Emerald

Intro: 32 Count - ( No Tags , No Restarts )

Section 1: [1-8] Step R , Kick L Over R, Step L , Kick R Over L, Cross Step R Over L, ¼ Turn R, Step L Back, Chasse R (3:00)
1-4Step R To R , Kick L Over R , Step L To L ,Kick R Over L
5-6Cross Step R over L (5), ¼ Turn R , Step L Back (6) (3:00)
7&8Step R to side, close L next to R (&), step R to side

Section 2: [9-16] Stalking Walks L,R,L,R ( 3:00)
1-2L Point Fwd, Step down L
3-4R Point Fwd , Step down R
5-6L Point Fwd, Step down L
7-8R Point Fwd , Step down R
( Note : All steps are Slightly travelling forward, body slightly lean backward )

Section 3: [17-24] L Rock Forward, Recover R ,1/2 turn L , Chasse L Forward R Rocking Chair (9:00)
1-2L Fwd Rock, Recover L
3&4½ turn L , Step L fwd, Close R next to L (&), Step L fwd (9:00)
5-8Rock R fwd, Recover L, Rock R back, Recover L

Section 4: [25-32] R Back Ball-Change x 2 , Charleston Step ( 9:00)
1&2Kick R Behind , Step of ball of R behind L( raise L foot ), Step on L in place
3&4Repeat 1&2
5-8Step R Forward, Kick L Forward, Step L Back, Touch R toe back

Section 5: [33-40] R Kick Ball Step , ¼ Turn L, R Kick Ball Step, Cross R, Point L, Cross L, Point R ( 6:00)
1&2Kick R Forward (1), Step of ball of R slightly behind L (&), Step on L Forward
3&4¼ Turn L , Kick R Forward (3), Step of ball of R slightly behind L (&), Step on L Forward (4) (6:00)
5-6Cross R over L , Point L to L
7-8Cross L over R, Point R to R

Section 6: [41-48] R Back Ball-Change, ½ Turn L , R Chasse Back, Rock L Back , Recover R , Cross L over R, Point R ( 12:00)
1&2Kick R Behind , Step of ball of R behind L( raise L foot ), Step on L in place
3&4½ Turn L , R Chasse Back ( 12:00)
5-6Rock Back L , Recover R
7-8L Cross over R, R Point to R

Section 7: [49-56] R Toe Heel Swivels , Hold , L Toe Heel Swivels , Hold (12:00)
1-4Touch R toe beside L instep (1), Touch R Heel Slightly outward (2) R Step Across L (3), Hold (4)
5-8Touch L toe beside R instep (5), Touch L Heel Slightly outward (6) L Step Across R (7), Hold (8)

Section 8: [57-64] R Side Toe Strut, L Toe Strut Across R, ½ Turn R , R Cross Toe Strut , L side Toe Strut (6:00)
1-2Touch R Toe to R, drop Right heel to take weight
3-4Cross touch L Toe over Right, drop Left heel to take weight
5-6½ turn R , Cross Touch R Toe Over L, drop Right heel to take weight (6:00)
7-8Touch L Toe to L , drop Left heel to take weight

Hope You Enjoy The Dance !!!

For Song & Step sheet, please contact: Email : swan9198@gmail.com