You Get Me Go' in

Mason Riggins (USA) - February 2018
When You're Gone - Smithfield : (CD: When You're Gone - Single by Smithfield)

# Intro 16 counts, start on vocals

One Restart on wall three:
Dance the first 16 steps, then Restart at the beginning (Facing the back wall)

Night Club 2, Step forward 2x, Night Club 2, Step Forward 2x
1-2&Step Right to Right side. Step Left behind. Recover weight back to Right foot
3-4Step forward on Left. Step forward on Right
5-6&Step Left To Left side. Step Right behind. Recover weight back to Left foot
7-8Step forward on Right. Step forward on Left

Pivot ½ Left, Shuffle forward, Pivot ½ Right, Shuffle forward
1-2Step forward on Right. Turn Left ½ turn. Step left(6:00)
3&4Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
5-6Step forward on Left. Turn Right ½ turn Step Right (12:00)
7&8Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left
-Restart Dance Here on Third Wall-

Side, Together, Side Shuffle Right, Full Turn Right, Modified Weave Left
1-2Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right.
3&4Side shuffle Right, Left, Right
5-6Step Left across Right and make full turn clockwise, transferring weight to the Right foot (12:00)
7&8Step Left to side, Right behind Left, then Left out to side

Right Ball Cross, Ball Right, Weave Left, Rock Left, Recover, Sailor shuffle ¼ turn Left
1&2&Step Right foot over Left, leaving weight on the ball of the foot. Shift weight back to Left. Step Right out to Right side on ball of Right foot. Shift weight back to Left
3&4Weave Left, stepping Right behind Left, Left to side, then Right over Left
5-6Rock Left. Rock or recover weight to Right
7&8Sailor shuffle Left, Right, Left (Turning a ¼ turn Left) (9:00)

Start Over
