Rolling On A River

Eun Hee Yoon (KOR) - January 2019
Rolling On a River (Proud Mary) - Bo Katzman

Changing the tempo during the dancing:
*Slow tempo: 32 counts 4 wall (Intro: 16 counts)
*Fast tempo: 32 counts 4 wall (Intro: 36 counts)

Sec. 1: R Diagonal side, Together, Side, Touch, L Diagonal side, Together, Side, Touch
1-4Step R to Diagonal R side (1), Step L next to R (2), Step R to R side (3), Touch step L next to R (4)
5-8Step L to Diagonal L side (5), Step R next to L (6), Step L to L side (7), Touch step R next to L (8)

Sec. 2: (Back, Touch, Back, Touch), REPEAT
1-4Step R to Diagonal R back (1), Touch step L next to R with clap (2), Step L to Diagonal L back (3), Touch step R next to L with clap (4)
5-8REPEAT (1-4)

Sec. 3: Point, Touch, Side, Touch, Point, Touch, Side, Touch
1-4Point step R to R side (1), Touch step R next to L (2), Step R to R side (3), Touch step L next to R (4)
5-8Point step L to L side (5), Touch step L next to R (6), Step L to L side (7), Touch step R next to L (8)

Sec. 4: Toe Struts, 1/4L small walks
1-4R toe strut (1), R heel down (2), L toe strut (3), L heel down (4)
5-8walks R, L, (12:00), 1/4L walk R, L (9:00)

Restarts: -
(1) 3 wall after 28 counts (R toe strut, 1/4L L toe strut) (3:00)
(2) 7 wall after 28 counts (R toe strut, 1/4L toe strut) (3:00)
(3) 11 wall after 28 counts (R toe strut, 1/4L toe strut) (3:00)

Last Update - 9 Jan. 2019