One Less Day

Tom Glover (AUS) - May 2019
One Less Day (Dying Young) - Rob Thomas

Dance begins after 32 counts.

Right Side Recover, Cross Shuffle, Left Side Recover, Cross Shuffle.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side, recover onto Left,
3&4Cross shuffle to the Left, Right-Left-Right,
5– 6Step Left to Left side, recover onto Right,
7&8Cross shuffle to the Right, Left-Right-Left. **

Side 1/4 Left, 1/4 Left Shuffle, Behind 1/4 Right, Forward, 1/2 Pivot.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side, turn 1/4 Left and step Left to Left side,
3&4Turn 1/4 Left and shuffle to Right, Right-Left-Right.
5- 6Step Left behind Right, step forward onto Right as you turn 1/4 Right,
7 -8Step Left forward, pivot 1/2 turn Right.

Diagonal Touches, Rock/Replace, Shuffle Back.
1 - 2Step Left to Left diagonal, touch Right beside Left,
3 - 4Step Right to Right diagonal, touch Left beside Right,
5 –6Step Left forward, rock back onto Right,
7&8Shuffle back, Left- Right-Left.

Back Rock, Kick-Ball-Change, Step Right-Left, Kick-Ball-Cross.
1 - 2Rock back onto Right, rock forward onto Left,
3&4Kick Right forward, step onto ball of Right, step Left slightly forward,
5 -6Walk forward Right - Left,
7&8Kick Right forward, step onto ball of Right, cross Left over Right.

** During walls 5 and 7 – restart after first 8 counts of the dance.
First Restart facing the front.
Second Restart facing 3 o’clock.

Do your 1/4 shuffle, Right-Left-Right, to the back wall, Left behind
Right, 1/4 forward onto Right, step forward onto Left, pivot
1/4 Right to the front. Step Left together.

Mobile: 0411617957 - http://linedancewith -