Oh Hot Damn!

Phrased Intermediate
Kyle Einsohn (USA) - January 2020
Oh Hot Damn! - Cameron Hawthorn

Dancing starts at 00:14 seconds
Seq: A, B, A (for 16 counts), A, B, A (for 32 counts), A, B, B

Part A: 48 counts
Section 1: Side step right x2, side step left x2
1-2Right side step, together,
3-4Right side step, together
5-6Left side step, together,
7-8Left side step, together

Section 2: Rolling Vine to the Right, Step and Slide to the left, hold.
1-4Rolling vine to the right
5-6Slide left and drag right foot together with left
7-8Hold for 7&8

Section 3: Shuffle Forward, rock, Shuffle back, rock, recover.
1-2Forward shuffle w/right foot,
3-4Rock forward on left, recover back to right
5-6Back shuffle with left foot,
7-8Rock back on right, recover to left

Section 4: Right Toe Point to side, Left Toe Point to side, Jazz Box
1-2Right toe point out to right side, bring back together and weight
3-4Left toe point out to left side, bring back together and weight,
5-8Jazz box (right over left, left step straight back, right step to center, left step center together)

Section 5: Right Rock step- hold, anchor left foot, recover right, Left rock step- hold, anchor right foot, recover left foot.
1&2Right rock forward with slight body roll (hold)
3&4Step in place with left foot, step right to center
5&6Left rock forward with slight body roll (hold)
7&8Step in place with right foot, step left to center

Section 6: Hips to the right, hips to the left, sweep right foot, sweep left foot, hitch
1-4dip hip to right, dip hip to left
5Sweep right foot forward
6Sweep left foot forward
7-8Scuff Right (forward) into hitch right knee

Part B: 48 counts
Section 1: Right out, Left out, Right in, Left in, cross Right heel tap x2, coaster step
1-2Step right out in front at a diagonal (45), step left out diagonal (45),
3-4Right back to center, left back to center.
5-6Cross right heel over left leg and tap twice
7-8Coaster step (Left, Right, Left)

Section 2: Left out, Right out, Left in, Right in, cross Left heel tap x2, coaster step.
1-2step left out in front at a diagonal (45), step right out diagonal (45),
3-4Left ack to center, right back to center.
5-6Cross left heel over right leg and tap twice
7-8Coaster step (Right, Left, Right)

Section 3: Right Toe Twist x2, Right Sailor Step, left knee hitch and step down,
1&2Twist right toe (heel goes R, L, R, L)
3&4Right cross left, weight to left foot, heel tap right out.
5Weight to right foot,
6hitch left knee up
7Right hand slap left knee
8Step down on left foot (weighted left)

Section 4: Right toe strut, left toe strut, shoulder and knee hitch roll, 2 right hop hitches/ knee pops
1-2Right toe struts
3-4Left toe strut
5-6(weighted right) hitch left knee up and twist out and roll left shoulder and knee back
7&8Step down Left, Right knee pop, right step down, right knee pop

Section 5: Lock step hop, lock step hop, Left ½ turn, left ½ turn
1-2Right “lock” step with knee pop up,
3-4Right “Lock” step with a knee pop up,
5-6Step forward with right and turn over left shoulder ½ turn, keeping weight on left
7-8step forward with right and turn over left shoulder ½ turn, keeping

Section 6: Jump forward and shake hips, clap 4x
1-2Jump forward with “swag”
3-4Sway or dip hips to both sides,
5-8step back and re-position for either section A1 or B1.

Submitted by - Lauren White: lewhite42@gmail.com