Up 2020

Unknown - April 2020
Up! - Shania Twain

Revised by Bertha Arseneau (CAN) & Pattie LeBlanc (CAN) - April 2020. Choreographer is Unknown

Intro: 28 counts from beginning

(Sec. 1) Kick Ball Cross, Coaster Cross, Side Behind, Coaster Step (1-8)
1&2Kick RF fwd (1), step RF next to LF (&), cross RF over LF (3)
3&4Step RF back (1), step LF next to RF (&), cross RF over LF (4)
5,6Step LF to L (5), step RF slightly behind LF (6)
7&8Step LF back (7), step RF next to LF (&), step LF fwd (8)

(Sec. 2) Toe, Heel, Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle Fwd (9-16)
1,2Touch R Toe next to LF (1), touch R heel fwd (2)
3&4Step RF fwd (3), step LF next to RF (&), step RF fwd (4)
5,6Step LF fwd (5), pivot 1/2 turn R and step fwd on RF (6)
7&8Step LF fwd (7), step RF next to LF (&) step LF fwd (8)

(Sec. 3) Step RF right, Step LF left, Ball, Step, Point or Heel, R Sailor, L Sailor 1/4 turn left (17-24)
1,2Step RF right (1), step LF left (2)
&3,4Rock back on ball of RF (&), recover on LF (3), point or heel RF to right side (4)
5&6Step RF behind LF (5), step LF left (&), step RF right (6)
7&8To 1/4 turn left, Step LF behind RF (7), step RF right (&), step LF left (8)

(Sec.4) Rock, Recover, Shuffle 1/2 to R, Rock. Recover, Shuffle 1/2 to Left (25-32)
1,2Rock fwd RF (1), recover on LF (2)
*Snags and restart here at the ends of walls 2 & 4*
3&4Make a 1/2 turn R, stepping RF fwd (3), step LF next to RF (&), step RF fwd (4)
5,6Rock fwd LF (5), recover on RF (6)
7&8Make a 1/2 turn L, stepping LF fwd (7), step RF next to LF (&), step LF fwd (8)

Start over

There are 2 Snags and Restarts:
Wall 2 & 4, you'll be starting the dance facing 3:00.
On section 4 of the dance, you'll be facing 6:00.
Do Counts: 1-2 Rock RF fwd (1), recover on LF (2)
Add Snag: 3-4 Make a 1/2 turn right, stepping RF fwd (3), stepping LF fwd (4)
Restart the dance from beginning facing 12:00

*Snags were “added” for musicality.