Dancing In The Dark

Isabel Payeras (ES) - August 2020
Dancing In the Dark - Bruce Springsteen

Intro: 32 Counts

(1-8) ¼ Turn Monterey x2
1-2point RF to R 1/4 turn, R ,step RF beside LF
3-4point LF to L ,step LF beside RF
5-6point RF to R,1/4 turn R, step RF beside LF
7-8point LF to L,step LF beside RF

(9 -16) Vine Cross ¼ Turn L, Pivot Turn x 2
1-2step RF cross over L, stepLF sideL
3-4step RF behind LF, LF ¼ Turn to L
5-6step RF fwd, turn ½ to L changing welgh on LF
7-8step RF fwd ,turn ½ to L changing weigh on LF
Restart: 4wall 16 counts

(17 -24) Touch FWD x2 , Kick Ball Change x2
1-2Toe touch fwd RF
3-4Toe touch fwd LF
5&6Kick RF fwd bring RF next to LF ,step LF next to RF
7&8Kick RF fwd bring RF next to LF ,step LF next to RF

(25-32) Step Touch -1/2 Turn Step Touch, Step Touch x2
1-2step RF side R ,touch LF beside RF
3-4step LF side L,1/2 turn touch RF
5-6step RF side R,touch LF beside RF
7-8step LF side L ,touch RF beside LF

Start over

Restart : After 16 counts of wall 4. Facing ( 6:00)
NOTE: To execute the arms movement - refer to the video