
Rob McKean (CAN) - 2 October 2020
Getcha - Matt Lang

Start dance on the lyrics

Step Forward, Twist, Step Forward, Twist
1-4Step forward on R, twist left heel to right, twist left toes to right, twist left heel to right
5-8Step forward on L, twist right heel to left, twist right toes to left, twist right heel to left.
(Your weigh should remain on the foot you step forward on while you twist the opposite foot towards it. Your weight should be on your L at count 8)

Strut Forward, Kick Twice, Rock Back, Recover
9-12Step forward on R toe, step down on R, step forward on L toe, step down on L
13-16Kick R foot forward twice, rock back on R, recover on L
(Re-start dance here during 7th sequence.)

Step, Slide, Step, Scuff, Repeat
17-24Step forward on R, slide L up beside R, step forward on R, scuff L, Step forward on L, slide R up beside L, step forward on L, scuff R

½ Pivot, ¼ Pivot, Vine Right
25-28Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L, step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn R
29-32Step side right , cross L behind R, step side right, step together on L