Always on Time

Heather Barton (SCO) & Dee Musk (UK) - October 2020
Hold the Line - Toto : (Album: Toto - 3:55)

Music Downloadable from Amazon Music and ITunes.
#32 Count Intro.

Step, Hold, Ball Rock Recover, Ball Back Drag, Back, ¼ Turn, Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Cross.
1,2aStep right forward, hold count 2, step left beside right.
3,4Rock right forward, recover weight to left.
a5Step right back, step left back dragging right towards left.
6a7Step right back, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, cross right over left.
8a1Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, cross left over right. - 9.00

Hold, Ball Cross, Hinge ½ Turn L, Point, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turning Lock Step R, ½ Turn R, Ball Together.
2a3Hold count 2, step right to right side, cross left over right.
4aMake ¼ turn left stepping back on right, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side.
5,6Point right to right side, make ¼ turn right stepping weight forward on right.
7a8Turn ½ turn right stepping back on left, cross right over left, step back on left.
a1Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right, step left beside right bending knees. - 6.00

Step Back, Back, Side, Cross, Side Together, Forward Lock Step, Diamond Turn L.
2Step back on right.
3a4Step back on left, step right to right side, cross left over right.
a5Turning towards 4.30 step right to right side, step left beside right.
6a7Still facing 4.30 lock step forward stepping right, left, right. **R** during wall 6 - see note below.
8a1Cross left over right, step back on right facing 3.00, step back left facing 1.30. - 1.30

Diamond Turn L, Cross 3/8 Turn L, Side, Back Rock, Point, Back, Together.
2a3Facing 1.30 step back on right, step back on left facing 12.00 step forward right facing 10.30.
4a5Cross left over right, make 1/8 turn to 9.00 stepping back on right, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side facing 6.00.
6a7Cross rock right behind left, recover weight to left, point right to right side.
8aStep back on right, step left beside right. - 6.00
**R** during walls 2 and 4.

Cross Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Touch & Touch & Touch, Back, Together.
1,2aCross right over left sweeping left from behind to in front of right, cross left over right, step right to right side.
3,4aCross left behind right sweeping right from in front to behind left, step right behind left, step left to left side.
5a6aTouch right across left, step right beside left, touch left across right, step left beside right.
7Touch right beside left.
8aStep back on right, step left beside right. - 6.00

Restarts during walls 2 and 4 - begin again facing 12.00.
Restart during wall 6 - dance to count 7 of section 3, then make 3/8 turn L to begin again facing 6.00.

Dance ends facing 12.00
Dance the first 5 counts of the dance.